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Home » Learning

Bembo’s Zoo – Fun Alphabet Letter Animations

Submitted by on April 10, 2009 – 6:11 amOne Comment
Bembo’s Zoo – Fun Alphabet Letter Animations

Bembo’s  Zoo is a flash website with beautiful, innovative alphabet animations. The animations are a kind of typographic game – at first you see the name of an animal, then the letters start swirling around and finally form the shape of the animal itself. Fun for both kids and typography geeks!

Bembo’s  Zoo is also available as a picture book, Bembo’s Zoo: An Animal ABC Book.

A hippo made out of letters at Bembo’s alphabet zoo.

One Comment »

  • Dolliety Gart says:

    This is so cool. I tried it before showing it to my kids and when they finally saw it, they were really amazed.